Thursday, May 14, 2009

3-Day Spiritual Assessments

If you have been a client of mine, you probably have noticed that I do my best work while alone, communing with my Spirit Guides, dreaming and mediating.

There are many readers out there that do reading after reading...many in one day. I am not that type of reader. I limit myself to how many clients I can connect with in one day and often times in one week.

I prefer to devote my time to my clients on an individual basis. Sometimes, if I am working with a client's situation that requires a lot of my time and energy I may not take on any other work until I feel I can fairly handle both.

This isn't because I am not able to multi-task or work on many projects at once. Actually it is quite the contrary. I am an awesome multi-tasker and can focus on many things at one time even if they are things that have nothing in common. In my mundane life at work, that is part of my job.

It is a choice to work my spiritual life choose how I expend my energy.

Therefore, I am now offering clients a 3-Day Spiritual Assessment. A 3-Day Spiritual Assessment is basically a ceremony devoted to you and your situation for 3 hours each day for 3 days. During this time you will receive my undivided attention to your situation. This allows me to sit in sacred space with my Spirit Guides creating change just for you. I do spellwork, I meditate, I divine and get guidance, insight and answers to your questions or concerns. I am doing a ceremony for 3 days for your specific and individual concern.

3-Day Spiritual Assessments aren't for every person nor for every case. This ceremony is helpful for those that are feeling lost or stuck in an ongoing situation. 3-Day Spiritual Assessments are a powerful and indepth way for me to work on your situation.

3-Day Spiritual Assessments are started with a 15 minute phone consultation and email communication. We then decide on a date to start your assessment. While I am working on your ceremony, I will communicate with you via email if anything comes up that needs our immediate attention. When the 3-Day Spiritual Assessment is finished I compile all my notes and information and send you a detailed email report within a couple of days. We then connect on the phone again for a 15 minute appointment to follow-up.

A 3-Day Spiritual Assessment ceremony is done only by appointment.

Please visit for more information. Email or call me and I would be glad to answer your questions.

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