Saturday, May 29, 2010

Her Sacred Fires - A Rite for Hekate

On May 27th hundreds of people around the world participated in a worldwide honoring of Hekate. The Rite was created by Author and Hekate Priestess Sorita d'Este.

I was one that joined in on this amazing worldwide ritual. I incorporated this ritual as part of my 13 Moon Dedication to Hekate. Hekate has been calling me for a few years. I find her to be very patient with me as I felt my way around the proper ways to honor her in my personal spiritual path. It seems that Hekate also wants to have a place in the Scarlet & Amethyst Temple and Tradition and I am honoring her wish.

Below are some photos that I took during my personal Sacred Rite to Hekate.

The Full Moon overhead.

Her Sacred Flame.

Definitely check out Hekate: Her Sacred Fires website for more information and for information about Sorita's books.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Spring Renewal

Last weekend a few Goddess sisters came to Pumpkin Cottage for a Spring Release and Renew Ceremony. The ceremony was to help us release those things which no longer serve us and to replace those things with wonderful new manifestations.

The ceremony was in honor of Yemaya, the Scarlet & Amethyst Temple Mother Goddess. I honored each sister with a cleansing hand and foot wash.

We banished those things we did not want in our lives anymore and we dressed a candle to bring the blessings of our New Moon wishes.

I created these candles for the ritual and each sister went home with their own candle to burn on their altars.

I finished the ceremony the next day by taking the offering we made for Yemaya to the river for Oshun to take to the ocean.

It was a wonderful ceremony full of love and healing.

I am creating a learning circle for local women who are interested in doing ritual on a regular basis and who also want to learn more about the Scarlet & Amethyst Temple and Tradition. The learning circle is called Spirit Sisters and will be a Goddess-centered ritual group that creates and manifests sisterhood and magick.

If you are local and want to join us, please email me.

Continued Blessings...


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