Saturday, May 29, 2010

Her Sacred Fires - A Rite for Hekate

On May 27th hundreds of people around the world participated in a worldwide honoring of Hekate. The Rite was created by Author and Hekate Priestess Sorita d'Este.

I was one that joined in on this amazing worldwide ritual. I incorporated this ritual as part of my 13 Moon Dedication to Hekate. Hekate has been calling me for a few years. I find her to be very patient with me as I felt my way around the proper ways to honor her in my personal spiritual path. It seems that Hekate also wants to have a place in the Scarlet & Amethyst Temple and Tradition and I am honoring her wish.

Below are some photos that I took during my personal Sacred Rite to Hekate.

The Full Moon overhead.

Her Sacred Flame.

Definitely check out Hekate: Her Sacred Fires website for more information and for information about Sorita's books.

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